First of all we looked at two ten minute exam entries for the BC1003 project from the previous year. We briefly came to some conclusions individually and as a group on what we thought of each entry. The first piece we listened too had an into that was far too long, it was purely instrumental and was almost 45 seconds long. This, in my opinion wouldn't really keep the attention of the audience. Also if you flicked over to a radio channel and it was playing you are likely to flick channels, as, due to its length, feels like a song that would, in my mind, not be desirable of the public ear. So the opening is dragged out and misleading.
When hearing their
vox pops, i thought this was not executed very well. The question was simply "what is
insomnia" leaving no real option for a long, detailed answer, 90% of the answers must have consisted of "insomnia is lack of sleep". The questions were left in for each vox pop, instead of the effective, and somewhat conventional introductory question followed by the answers. Also there were too many vox pops included, quantity is not a bad thing, when the material makes for an interesting broadcast, but it was the simple repetition of the same answer. In conclusion, the audience would not gain any knowledge from this segment. However, they had good strong, clear interview with professionals within he subject area, and was quite impressed that they had done this and very well. It was a very bland broadcast however, and was quite ironic that a broadcast on insomnia, can actually send you to sleep.

The second entry in which i listened too was a slight improvement in my opinion. It had a good use of music, it was more up-lifting and grabbed your attention more than the previous piece i had listened to. So therefore grabbed it was more interesting to me, and i would imagine the audience also. There was a good use of vox pops, intelligently incorporated into their broadcast, which produced a good amount of detail. However, their project, based on buses and generating solutions, was not directly answered by these vox pops. There was also a very well taken interview with a bus driver, but it drifted from he subject matter and it gave the audience more of a comedic tale, than an answer to problems with bus travel.
It then, although very amusing and enjoyable, began to drift downhill, mainly due to the content completely diverted away from the original intention of the broadcast. This included all footage taken from other sources rather than their own. This consisted of a comedic cat story catching the bus to a chip shop, and a man with a
ventriloquist sitting on the us (which was actually a poem). However i did enjoy this piece more than the first, as it was more entertaining. Highlights was the good use of
soundscape and transitions.
So next we began on our group discussion on what would be our subject for the BC1003 module. It started of as a brainstorm from the group, taking ideas, and taking into account the enthusiasm of the group towards the subject in question, and also its feasibility.
During the group discussion we came up with a few ideas. The main ideas we came up with were; a sports radio production, a music radio production, a production on oral history e.g.
world war II, a radio production on the
carnival, and also a production on
christmas. After a debate and some further ideas, we managed to whither the 5 options to 3, which consisted of the oral history, carnivals and christmas. Christmas seemed to be the most popular choice.

We were then assigned a topic each, and within a time period of one hour we were to come up with some research on our given subject, to pitch an idea to the group, and then based on that pitch we would decide on our final topic. The ideas that rose during these pitches was based on world war II life in Weston,
mods and rockers oral history, the future of carnival, and how has christmas changed in the last 50 years (which was my pitch) bringing up questions on commercialism, and researching into the thoughts of people within forums, it seemed to be a hot topic, In the end my pitch was chosen as the subject for our group.
Day 6 - We continued familiarising ourselves with the
Pro tools editing software in preperation for our assignment a week today.