I think, that getting more people to help out with filming, due to our small group size, would have made the filming day a lot more efficient, and less problematic. however, due to the problems of lighting, equipment being in shot, and bad acting, this tested my editing skills. I found myself working with video filters, four point matte's, colour corrector and various other editing options. Through using these i was able to change the footage in positive way. I tested a lot of the video filters, through process of trial and error, to see what each one did. Now i have a better and more practical knowledge on these filters, and will benefit me, when editing in the future.

I thought that the music i chose to use in the film, worked very well, and spent some while editing the music into the film. The music was an important factor, because it can really add mood to the film. it wasn't just the music i edited however, i edited a lot of the sound caught directly to tape. In one scene, there was a deafening airplane in the background, but i really wanted to use the shot, so managed to use sound editing to almost erase the noise, but still have the speech clear and concise. Another point in the film, i used the sound of the rain on the videotape, and looped it over a music track to add even more emotion to the film, as it was a dramatic part. I am mostly, but not perfectly happy with the final result, but i can use the experience as a learning curve, and enjoyed it very much.