A film which inspired me, is a British film called "Shrooms" This filmed is based on a few americans coming to Britain to meet their friend. Their British friend offered them the best "shrooms" that nature had to offer. obviously shrooms is a term used to describe the mushrooms that contain illegal substances. Anyway, when they are all "high" they all start being attacked by a strange masked figure. The only survivor, at the end of the film, realises she is the one responsible for killing all her friends. The delirious visions of the figure had all been an effect of taking the shrooms.
So i based my idea around the film, and knew that it would be difficult, and tricky to portray the narrative on-screen. after acquiring recent knowledge from an editor who came to our course, i learnt a way in which a character could appear; as two on-screen people. I knew this technique would visually benefit the audiences understanding of the characters self-realisation; where he learns he is responsible for killing his friends, not the drugged-up mirage, which he had been seeing.
Something else that inspired me was a piece of audio, and not even a whole song, a segment of a song, by a band called Bring me the horizon, typically a loud heavy metal band, but at the start of one track, called "The sadness will never end", starts with an instrumental, that i have to say is the most sad piece of music i have heard, and as it played i pictured images of my film visually.

I found the idea very difficult to explain and pitch to my class-mates, as i was reluctant to let them in on the twist at the end. I wanted it to be a surprise when the film was finally finished. Rather than just make some form of horror film, i tried to make it a horror/drama, with an anti-drug message with a clever twist, that hopefully the audiences can't see coming.
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