One of the big problems with the filming day, was actually the location. The woodland i chose had no paths, muddy and slippery terrain, and for the most part, involved steep, uphill treks. i brought my old army bergen bag, which was big enough to fit in all the equipment apart from the boom. climbing the slippery slopes we had to work as a team to progress, taking turns with the bag, and passing equipment to the highest man. little did we know that coming down would be a lot worse.

The filming went very well, although on reflection, getting some drama students to take part may have been a better option - we cant act to save our lives. It was difficult in the fact that we were underneath the trees, with the sun coming in and out, it constantly changed the lighting. Due to this we had to take more takes than usual, to ensure continuity. i also had to remember i got some cut-away shots ready for the editing process, and certain other shots were needed, in order to be prepared for editing also.

We worked really well as a team and enjoyed the whole day, we all did well on the equipment, and despite being a group of bad actors, i think we brought the best out of us. Monish helped out as long as he possibly could, as he had work in the evening, i may have taken a few more shots of him if he stayed. Luckily the filming i needed to do after he left, did not involve him, and was completed to a good standard. I appreciate Dan and Monish's massive effort in making my individual film - cheers guys!

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