Friday, 14 November 2008

Day 11-14 - Pitch,ian downs interview,more research and Tom cholmondeley interview

Day 11 - On day 11 we, as a group, pitched our idea for our radio programme. Our idea had to be pitched professionally, in front of four teachers in the role of producer/associate producers. They would make the decision, based on our pitch, to allow us to go ahead and make the programme, or to go back to the drawing board.
We pitched our idea; which was a christmas radio programme called "Will the recession make it the worst christmas in 30 years?" using a survey as primary research, asking people whether they thought christmas was too commercial, with three answers to tick, yes, no or not sure. which the results fitted similarily with our secondary research, which was an internet poll based on 607 votes. We also used a graph showing the GDP growth and loss of the UK within the last 18 years, visually presenting the first negative GDP fall since 1990.

This was all backed up with scripts and cue cards, and the use of a powerpoint presentation, covering the budget, role allocations, research on our topic, structure plan and various other key elements to our pitch. At the end of the pitch we also answered a series of questions which we answered. At the end of the pitch our project was given a "yes" from the acting panel, it felt very "Dragon's den".
Day 12 - On day 12 we had a radio presenter called Ian downs, who is curently freelancing, to come in and undertake an interview, to use within our roles and processes portfolio. We had prepared questions for him to answer referring to his line of work. His answers would be used in a 2 minute interview, which we would individually have to edit down as part or our roles and processes portfolio.

Day 13 - On day 13 we conducted some more research for our radio programme project, and agreed on hiring out the fostex and condenser mic on a Wednesday, to gather some vox pops and interviews within retail shops and the high street. This went as planned and we gained two interviews from people within retail, and 8 minutes of vox pops ready to be edited down. After this we still felt we needed more audio and plan to soon do this again and collect more material for our project.

Day 14 - On day 14 we conducted a second interview with a man called Tom cholmondeley, a Director for factual programmes such as "Horizon" he is currently creating his own independent prodution team, and again we had prepared questions for him, based on his line of work. We will use the interview and edit it down to two minutes, to assist the Ian downs interview, within our roles and processes portfolio.

Thursday, 13 November 2008

Soundscape proposal

First of all I had a think about what type of sound-scape that I wan         ted to do – whether I wanted to do a fixed (1 or series) sound-scape, a moving (journey sound-scape, or a variable (abstract. Imaginary sounds-cape. The type of sound-scape I was most interested in doing was the variable sound-scape.

The sound-scape I chose was “Inside the internet” as I could use a host of individual noises, to sonically paint a picture, of how I think being inside the internet would sound.

Rough ideas I had was to use snippets of advertisements flying in an and out my sound-scape, overlapping each-other. Also I could use dial-up noises and finger clicking on they keyboards. Use electronic noises such as microwave beeping slowed right down. Maybe a train sped up so much that its sound has no relation to its source and becomes abstract. Include overlapping conversations and news being flown in from all decades. 

I could also find sounds from ever-day objects and test them within my sound-scape and see if it assist what my sound-scape is trying to be. As I am gathering individual sounds, rather than a cacophony of sound e.g. standing amongst a crowd in a carnival, it will make my sound-scape much easier to edit, and avoids the risk of masking (where certain noises e.g. crowds talking) to overcome other smaller sounds in which I am trying to pick up. Using this technique I will able to gather hi-fi sound and create a clearer composition.

Also using this sound-scape it will be very easy to create a non-linear sound-scape, ruling out any risk of it becoming a narrative. This theme of being “inside the internet” has been used in certain feature films and television programmes, such as “Futurama” giving me a research sources for my sound-scape.

Wednesday, 12 November 2008

Day 9/10 - More research for audio project, soundscapes.

Day 9 - On day 9 we researched more into our theme of christmas and commercialism, on agreeing that we should alter our line of research, but stick with the same subject (on day 7) we came up with the idea to make the project more primarily based on the Recession, and see how it affects Christmas, the retail industry, and the consumers 0f its commercialism. The title "Will the recession make christmas 2008 the worst in 30 years?"

So This would be the title we would use in the pitch next week, in that week would, as a group, research into the topic and create our presentation. including budget costs, people we would interview, where we would interview, whether we will use vox pops, and what questions we will ask? primary and secondary research from surveys, internet research, forums, newspapers and any other sources we may find.

Day 10 - On day 10 we went out to do some practice soundscapes in a few different environments around our local town. We had three microphones, 1 condenser mic and a set of dual condenser mics, and used three stands to position them, when we got to our desired location. we set them up in a few good locations. The first was a harbor in Uphill, and gathered noises of the sails clanking, some construction machinery, a radio in the background and some waves. The second location wasn't that good of a source; we went to the beach to record a soundscape of the sea, but the wind was too overpowering and we could not pick up much other sound.

The third location we went was just outside the pier, or rather, where the pier used to be. it lies just next to a main road, near the town centre. The front end of the pier still has some amusements left, therefore still attracts some people. we could pick up children speaking, buses going past, general conversation and seagulls. This was quite a good area, although next to the seafront, there was still a trace of the wind overpowering.

Then we also recorded at both ends of the High street (town centre). The wind here was less overpowering, we got lots of feet walking, buses pulling up again, money in pockets rattling and lots of conversation. This was one of the more successful out of our practices. So what will my soundscape be on, and how will i do it? (read next blog).