A blog of what i learn throughout the media broadcast degree at Bath Spa university, UK, England.
First of all I had a think about what type of sound-scape that I wan ted to do – whether I wanted to do a fixed (1 or series) sound-scape, a moving (journey sound-scape, or a variable (abstract. Imaginary sounds-cape. The type of sound-scape I was most interested in doing was the variable sound-scape.
The sound-scape I chose was “Inside the internet” as I could use a host of individual noises, to sonically paint a picture, of how I think being inside the internet would sound.
Rough ideas I had was to use snippets of advertisements flying in an and out my sound-scape, overlapping each-other. Also I could use dial-up noises and finger clicking on they keyboards. Use electronic noises such as microwave beeping slowed right down. Maybe a train sped up so much that its sound has no relation to its source and becomes abstract. Include overlapping conversations and news being flown in from all decades.
I could also find sounds from ever-day objects and test them within my sound-scape and see if it assist what my sound-scape is trying to be. As I am gathering individual sounds, rather than a cacophony of sound e.g. standing amongst a crowd in a carnival, it will make my sound-scape much easier to edit, and avoids the risk of masking (where certain noises e.g. crowds talking) to overcome other smaller sounds in which I am trying to pick up. Using this technique I will able to gather hi-fi sound and create a clearer composition.
Also using this sound-scape it will be very easy to create a non-linear sound-scape, ruling out any risk of it becoming a narrative. This theme of being “inside the internet” has been used in certain feature films and television programmes, such as “Futurama” giving me a research sources for my sound-scape.