There are currently 8 Classifications under the BBFC

Uc and U - a film classified as U or Uc is suitable for all, however a Uc is mainly targeted towards young children. Themes are usually quite sensitive, allows infrequent mild language, occasionally natural nudity but no sexual content. mild sexual behavior is acceptable e.g. kissing, mild violence only. Horror effects should be mild and brief. No reference to illegal drugs or use of illegal drugs.

PG - Parental Guidance, which means parents should watch the material beforehand and decided whether the content is suitable for their child. can have mild bad language only, natural nudity, mild sex references, moderate violence without detail, no glamorisation of realistic or easily accessible weapons. frightening sequences may not be prolonged or intense. Any drug references must carry a suitable anti drug message.

12 and 12A - suitable for viewers aged 12 and over, 12A is a film classified as "12" but is allowed to be viewed within the cinema accompanied by an adult. A person must be 12 to purchase the film on DVD, 12A is used in cinema only. Mature themes acceptable but must be suitable for young teenagers, sexual content must be brief and discreet, sexual references may be implied to that should not go beyond what is suitable for them. violence must not dwell on detail, no emphasis on injuries or blood. horror can be sustained but moderate. Drugs should be infrequent and not glamorised.

15 - is suitable only for people over the age of 15. Can contain frequent strong language e.g. "fuck" but the strongest terms such as "Cunt" will only be acceptable when justified by content. This type of language cannot be continued and aggressive. Sexual content shown but without strong detail. violence may be strong but not dwell on the infliction of pain. strong threat and menace permitted. gory images are unlikely to be acceptable. Drugs can be show but must not promote or encourage drugs.

18 - suitable only for adults. strong frequent horror, strong frequent language, sex (soft) strong maintained threat. Drugs used.

R18 - for adults only, to be shown in specially licensed cinemas or sex shops, and to adults of no less then 18 years.
1 comment:
Good info with 9 links and 6 logos.
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